Wind River Spas logo
Logo redesign and additional Wind River “Badge” developed for branding on hot tubs and other marketing materials.  Also created the Wind River Bear character/mascot, to be used in instructional manuals and ad campaigns.
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Research is the most important part
of designing a logo, and branding as
a whole.  We will research your
company, industry, competition and
more.  Then we will develop a
powerful and lasting identity, that
will separate you from the rest.
A Logo is the central, identifiable
visual element that helps customers
discover, share and remember your
company's brand.  A Brand (or
Branding) refers to the perceived
image and subsequent emotional
response to a company, its products
and services.  We’ve helped all sizes
and types of companies with both.
Wind River Spas

Copyright studioFloyd 2014
Studio Floyd logo Studio Floyd logo
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